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Retraining a dog to go on the paperafter a move

18 17:00:09

I moved a month ago and now my 3 1/2 year old shitzu has decided to stop
going on the paper. We have tried to position in a few different places but,
still will pee on a blanket on the floor or on the carpet... Before the move she
had two spots that she peed and pooped on with no problem.. Now has
usaully holds it and when I come home she goes outside and does her
I want her to feel comfortable to go again on the paper so she isn't holding
She had also stopped drinking out of her water bowl and now for the past
week went back to it...Is this just a traumatic change and she still needs time
to adapt...
Please help us and out little doggie....

Dear Yvett,
Thanks for writing.

Moving can be stressful for our dogs. Did your schedule change? A schedule change may also cause stress.

Since your dog is having problems with house training, first, have your vet check her out to see if anything medical could be causing the behavior. If there are no medical reasons, then start over with house training as if your girl were a puppy. It shouldn't take nearly as long as before.

To reduce her stress, try to create "predictability" in her daily routines. For example, take her for daily walks at 7 AM and 6 PM. The exact time is not important, but hold the walks at "about the same times" each day.  Teach her a new trick or polish up on her obedience commands. She'll probably be "her old self" after a short transition time.

I'm not sure why she would stop drinking out of her water bowl. She must of been getting water somewhere else. Thanks for writing.

Alan J Turner
Memphis TN
