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Bath room trash

18 16:47:41

My dog is a spaniel mixed breed Will be 2 in April. Good dog other than gets into bath room trash which consist of just snotty tissues. How can we break this habit other than remove trash can. I really don't want to do that.
Thanks in advance

Dear Kim,

Removing access to the trash can is the solution here because any behavior that's reinforced is going to increase in frequency, and the snotty tissues are plenty of reinforcement, particularly if your dog is getting attention for stealing them (even negative attention).  Snotty tissues won't hurt him so make sure he doesn't get attention when he steals them.  Either keep the door closed, or get one of those little step-on cans with a lid that he can't open.  Better yet, do both, and thank your lucky stars that this is the worst thing your dog does!

Thanks for writing!
Suzanne Harris, BSc, CPDT