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paper training dog

18 16:52:53

Bought female yorkie as puppy; now 2 1/2 yrs. Seller had mother and pups go outside thru dog door for eliminating.
I work and did not want dog in crate all day so tried to train pup on paper pads.  She now uses paper for urine.  Poop is the problem:  she poops on the pads about half the time and on the carpet by front door the rest of the time. Is she reverting to her earlier outdoor training as young pup with mother when she goes by the door?  She is only 3 1/2 lbs and I feel she cannot wait all day until I get home to take her outside.  Is it hopeless at this point to stop her from pooping by the front door? I do not want to install a door as she is so small and we have many hawks in our area, and would be at their mercy if outside alone when
I am at work.

You are correct to protect this very tiny dog from being outdoors in inclement and cold weather, and for not wanting to confine her to a crate.  Since she is pooping by the door (a CLEAR sign that she is attempting to remove her excrement from her living area and the front door is the closest she can get to outdoors), she is actually doing something GOOD.  Put paper by the front door.