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Chewing the home

18 17:03:39

I have a Siberian husky cross (bitch)who is 12 months of age and despite my best efforts is still chewing at the doors and skirting boards around my home.  Living in an army married quarter, this is somewhat a problem because I stand to get billed for every little damage in the house when I move out.  I have tried applying Vicks Vapor rub, dettol, lemon juice and even tried placing favorite toys in the room where she sleeps at night in order to occupy her until the morning.  None of these methods have worked.  Do you have any idea how I can stop my dog from chewing the place apart anymore?

Hi Richie, My first recommendation is to walk her at the heel a minimum of 45 minutes a day to exercise her body and mind. There are products at the pet store that you can get to stop chewing, but I think you need to correct the behavior. Claim your home, learn about proper crate training. A crate should be like a comfy den, not a place for punishment. Your dog will go into the crate with the door open when she is comfortable that it is her place. By claiming your space, I mean to get between her and anything in your home that you do not want her to chew and correct her with a "shhh" or "no" noise, it does not have to be loud. Walk her often at the heel so that she is paying attention to you no following her nose. This will leave her tired when you leave and invite her into her crate. Give her some chew toys or safe bones to keep her quiet and occupied. The more you exercise her mind and body, the better she will be for you. Leave me some feedback and keep me posted on how things are going. Thanks for writing. Regards, Susan