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Miniature Schnauzers Jazz & Bell

18 17:05:07

I have two two year old female schnauzers.  They both have a regular routine as I am a creature of habit.  Wake up, bedtime, meals, trips outside etc. are all performed the same time day after day.  They have toys to chew, and each other to play with and are very obedient and loyal.  I couldn't ask for better.  Here is my problem:
Jazz chews a hole through mine and my husbands underwear when no one is looking.  She reaches into the hampers and grabs underwear only... and chews several holes in the crotch.  She will also reach into the garbage pail for used condoms, tissues, and feminine pads and tear these apart.

How can I break her of these disgusting habits?  I thought as she got older she would grow out of them... but that is not the case.  She is a very good dog,  but this is getting annoying.

Please advise.

Dear Christena,
There are devices you can buy that startle dogs when they snoop around. Tattle Tale is one such device. It emits a high-pitched sound when the animal approaches.

J and J dog have some Snappy Trainers that startle snooping  dogs. Visit

The obvious answer is to place the items in another location or prohibit the dog from having access to the items where they are. Thanks for writing and good luck.