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growling at strangers

18 16:44:55

I have two rhodesian ridgebacks my female is 11mnths old, when we first got her as a pup she would growl and move away if anyone sat next to her while she was sleeping this  got better with time and she has got much better an has become very loving she came into her first season in December and just recently when people have been coming to my house she has started to growl at them she does nt seem to be nervous but she just is not happy with anyone strange being in the house

The breed standard says that Rhody's are "reserved with strangers".  That, coupled with her earlier history of growling to guard space, tells me that if she was not extensively socialized during the critical period (age 8-12 weeks), then she may not regard guests as ok.  Instead, she may perceive them as "intruders".  The level of guarding she is willing to do to insure that her territory is free of invaders is an individual trait, but, from afar, I would tell you to err on the side of safety and not have her be in contact with your guests until you seek advice from a competent professional who can evaluate your dog in your home.  She is reaching the age of social maturity, when dogs often decide where they fit in their social group, plus they tend to divide the world into familiar versus "intruder".