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jealous dog

18 16:56:10

I have a 7 year boxer who I bought from a man 2 years ago. The previous owner said he too many dogs which kinda made me wary, but he could of lived in a small place and had 4 dogs, my dad talked to the man and went to get him and didnt ask. He also said that he was not good with other male dogs but gets along fine with other females and  would make a wonderful family dog. We wanted to add to our family so we purchased a pembroke welsh corgi puppy last week. We have been very careful to pay extra attention to our boxer but he is still acting out. Aggressive growling if the puppy trys to play, licking and he even snapped at her today. He is a the most well behaved dog I have ever seen. He doesnt bark, jump on people, lick, chew, none of those annoying things that people dont like. I dont think he was abused by the other owner because he does show affection such as coming over and sitting down beside us to be pet, he loves to go for rides. He is conscience of his size and knows he can overpower so when my children play with him, hes very gentle, lays there while my 1yr old hugs/lays on him, ect. He was like this when we got him so isnt something weve trained him or hes grown into. The previous owner said that he didnt get along with other male dogs but he was fine with females. What can I do make my boxer know that hes not getting replaced or whatever it is hes feeling.

Hi Tina,  I don't think your Boxer is laying awake at night worrying about being replaced, so take heart!  Boxers are by far one of the most intelligent of dogs.  All this good behavior you write about is good, old fashioned, Bulldog behavior. Having said that, Bulldogs can also be aggressive with other dogs, male or female.  From what you say, this case doesn't sound too bad.  When your Boxer shows this kind of behavior,  scold him harshly, put him in his create & then scold him some more (you can even cuss some).  It helps if your dog create has a wire top so you can stand over him and look down on him from a place of authority.  Again, Boxers are one of the most wonderful dogs, but YOU are the BOSS.  You pay the rent , buy all the groceries & doggie treats, and it is YOU who decides who will be a member of your pack.  I'm sure he'll catch on right away if you're consistent.  Thanks for asking,  Rob - P.S.  Corgis can be pretty tuff too, so tell your Boxer to watch what he wishes for.