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Schnauzer Sleeping Too Much

18 16:45:33

We rescued a 1 yr old slightly thin Schnauzer from a shelter two weeks ago. We were told he was a neglected pup and would need lots of affection. We give him that everyday. I have had a Schnauzer before and familiar with their temperment but this pup is extremely quite and sleeps most of the day. He gets up to eat and go potty and thats it. The kicker is that when you get him up and take him outside he will run, jump and play just fine. He just seems depressed or just exhausted any other time. He seems content with us and wants to be right where we are, sleeping. He is a gentle dog, loves rubs and brushing out his hair. He is heartworm negative, up to date on shots, gaining weight and dewormed. What could this be? Could he have emotionally issues from the month he spent at the shelter or his other life? If yes, how do we help him adjust? What can we do to make him happier?

My guess is that he needs time. He may not be used to being in the house, and it's likely the shelter was pretty stressful. It's not unusual for a dog to be very conservative and careful in a new home, and try not to make mistakes or do anything that might make them unwanted. I'd continue as you are doing, and one day he will blossom. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT