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Puppy Pee

18 16:45:33

We have a 14 week old weimaraner. She is a great wee pup. I have noticed that on her outside bed when she wakes up from sleep on a couple of occasions that there are some small wet patches. They dont smell but cannot tell if they are clear or not as the bed is dark coloured. Usually this is after exertion and when she is knackered. The patch today was quite big. Initially we thought maybe it was where she sucked her bed but the patch today was too large for that so thinking that she may have peed herself while sleeping. She was really tired. What do you think? Thanks

Hi Stacey

If it is urine then it is unusual and should be checked by a vet as a puppy should certainly not be leaking when asleep/resting.  It may also be drool, especially if she has a big drink then lays on her bed panting - this would be normal!  Try watching her to see.

Do be careful how much exercise you are giving her - I am no expert and opinions vary but large dogs such as this can be caused permanent damage by over exercise at a young age.  Please talk to your vet or breeder for exact advice with regards this.

Best wishes
