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Adopted dog doesnt like my husband

18 16:45:34

My husband and I adopted a very sweet mild tempered mini-dachshund that had been kept as a breeder at a puppy mill. She's 5yrs old and was just spayed days before she come to our home.  She's getting along great and is very attached to me and seems to like everyone except my husband. She will not go to him or wage her tail and seems nervous when he's near her.  Of course he's hart broken and is trying very hard to get her to like him.  He very genital and loving towards her, feeds her and provides all the treats.  It's winter time here so he takes her to Petco so she can walk around which she loves. What can we do so she'll start taking a liking to my husband.  Thanks, Karen

This dog has a conditioned fear response to men, most likely because the miscreant who used and abused her was male.  In a new environment, most adult dogs (no matter from what background) will take months to adjust.  I don't know how long you've had your dog, but due to her age and her background, it will take her quite a long while to learn to trust your husband.  He should continue to provide treats and be responsible for feeding her, but the worst thing he can do is attempt to 'force' himself on her (and I know it's with all the very best intentions!)  He should continue taking her out to special places and even be responsible (when he's at home) for letting her in/out to eliminate or accompanying her.  Eventually she WILL learn to trust him.  Tell him not to take this personally; in fact, I think he's one heck of a guy for making the effort that he has.  Some play training with him may help expedite her trust for him.  See this link:

Meanwhile, find a FEMALE VET.  It won't help at all for the veterinarian (a huge source of anxiety for most dogs) to be male.  You are to be congratulated for giving this poor dog, who has has so difficult a life, such a loving and caring home.