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House breaking problem

18 16:29:06

We bought a dachshund when he was 5 weeks old. He is 12 weeks old now and we find accidents inside the house. He is crate trained and when he wants to pee or poop he barks and I take him outside to his designated place in the balcony. Whenever he is in the room adjacent to the balcony he stands near the door waiting for us to take him outside, which is good.
I dont like to crate him the whole day so he plays around the house while I finish my work. I take him out every two hours to pee and has learnt to pee on command too.
But there are accidents, he does his job inside the house and we often catch the act later.
We do praise him when he does on his own, everytime he goes to the area, he doesnt have free access to the house, always guarded.
I dont know what I am doing wrong here. Also how do I teach him to go from the kitchen to the balcony on his own? And how long would he take to be completely house broken? Sorry for asking all at one time.. we love him a lot and hate to scold him but lately its getting frustrating.I really wish the best for him. Please help.  

I really hate to tell you this, but for some reason dachshunds are one of the breeds that are the hardest to house train. My friend has one that is an adult now and she'll still come home to expect a mess somewhere.

I know you don't like to crate him, but it sounds like this is something you are going to have to do more of. Think about what time range time you usually find the mess and crate him at that time. A rule of thumb for house breaking is for however many months of age they are is how many hours they should be able to hold it. He is about 3 months, so three hours is the limit.

And remember, scolding can only happen when he's caught in the act. Otherwise it just doesn't do any good. It's great that you praise him. Just curious, is it usually poop or urine that you find in the house? The age old myth of rubbing their nose in it has no effect. If you find stool, place is outside and allow him to smell it and don't scold him but praise him so he associate's it with something positive instead of being scolded.