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vizsla puppy behavior

18 17:10:00

We recently adopted a 10 wk old Vizsla puppy -- She has only been with us
for 5 days, so it may be that she is still settling in but... something seems not
right. She is very sweet and exhibits many submissive characteristics (will be
held in the air without struggle, can be rolled onto her back without struggle)
but also some, what I understand to be more dominant characateristics (will
continuously get underfoot when I walk with her). She has been good about
relieving herself in the spot designated outside, doesn't bark, doesn't whine
at all at night -- I have gotten her used to the crate and she will go into it on
her own at the end of the day or during the day when she wants to sleep. The
thing that I find odd, though, is that she prefers to stay by herself in our
bedroom (her crate is in that room, though she will lay elsewhere in the room)
-- if I am in the kitchen or another room in the house she won't come out.
She will willingly go for a walk in the morning but then resists a walk later is
the day (with or without the leash) just plants herself and wants to go right
back into the house after relieving herself. (We are experiencing lovely spring
weather). When I walk her down the street she is not fearful at all, she will go
right up to greet strangers. I am just surprised by how little she wants to
interact with the family (we do have three children but they have really been
very calm and gentle with her-- never left unsupervised -- and she is like
this during the day when they are all at school). I have also noticed that
despite the fact that, as per the breeder's instructions, she is fed in the
morning and at night ( I put the food down for 15 minutes) she often will not
eat much -- or will take a few bites and walk away. She plays a little but really
not as much as I would expect. I was prepared for a vizsla pup to be a bit of a
handful, to say the least, but she its almost easy to forget she is around. She
displays interest in new objects but seems pretty happy to just sit and watch.
She will happily snuggle with me on the floor, enjoys being scratched and pet,
and will curl up and sleep on my lap but doesn't seek me or other family
members out for attention -- I thought maybe she was experiencing a"fear"
period which I have read about happening at this age but it doesn't really
seem like fear. How can I tell if there is something really going on? Thanks for
taking the time -- I hope I am just overreacting to an adjustment period...

Dear Andrea,
Thanks for the questions. First off, have you taken her to your vet for a complete physical? If not, do it soon. From your description, she may have a medical problem.

It usually takes 5 -21 days before a dog or puppy adjusts to a totally new environment. Some confident dogs adjust and get into everything really quickly and others are more cautious.

In another week or so, start a rewards based training program- not necessarily for obedience but to teach her about trust and cooperation. If she is medically sound, then she should "come out of her shell".

How are you addressing house training mistakes? If you are scolding, stop that now! (smile) If not, good for you - Hooray!!!!

There's several good books for puppy owners- Puppy Primer is a good one by Patricia B McConnell.

Good Luck - and get her to your vet now! Thank you!