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Dog urinating in the car

18 17:10:00

I adopted Penelope in January.  She is an 8 year old female Lab mix dog who spent 5 months in the humane society shelter before I picked her out.  She does not urinate in the house but in the last 2 weeks, she has gone on my fabric car seats 4 times. I bought some special cleaning and deodorant to spray on the spots but it does not seem to help. She goes to work with me every day and this happens as we are driving the half hour commute each way.  It has happened several times going to work and several times coming home. She is allowed to go outside any time that she wants to and does go out at least 4 or 5 times a day.  She has never wet in the house even when it is 12 hours between trips outside.  She goes out after dinner and then goes not want to go out again until early morning. She does not appear to have an infection.  I am mystified.

Dear Barbara,
Thanks for the question. Since the accidents are unique to the car, I'm thinking something about the car (or car rides) is influencing her behavior.

Is she "leaking" or assuming an elimination stance and urinating? Is there anything about the car/ car ride that is different? Have you changed the method she is being restrained?

Are you using the A/C?  Were you using the A/C before - when she used to ride and not eliminate?

Did you transport any different people or animals two weeks ago?

Is she a nervous rider? Does she pant or scan or is she relaxed?

How long does she ride before she eliminates? 3 minutes, 7 minutes, 15 minutes?

Will she eliminate when she rides in another car?

Will she eliminate if you take her on a car ride at a different time of day? ON your day off? How about an evening ride through the neighborhood?

The bottom line is - you are a detective now (smile). The first thing to do is to rule out any medical conditions by visiting you vet.

Next, you'll contemplate answers to my questions and experiment with variations until you find the cause. Good Luck!