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my terrier is becoming a terror...

18 17:10:03

hi there, i have a 3 year old staffordshire terrier, male-neutered.  i work for a veterinary clinic and feel that i have socialized my dog to the best of my ability. however i rescued him at 11 months and it is apparent that he was not socialized well at a young age(he is a mommys boy) about 9 months ago we moved in with a relative with 3 senior dogs all males, all neutered.  recently brady, my dog has become more aggressive, showing dominance over the other dogs. physically attacking them. i can usually pick up on the behavior before he strikes, hair standing up, arched ears and tail down. i dont know what else to do. my relative is threating to get rid of my dog if this behavior does not stop and is asking me to make my dog wear a muzzle at all times.  whats the next step for me?  

Dear Bethany,
Thanks for the questions. Sorry to hear about your troubles.  Modifying aggression is a process, not an event.  Unfortunately I can't write a paragraph or two with the answers. I summarize the process of treatment on my web site. Visit

Fortunately,dog-dog aggression is a well-studied subject and there are some good books. The best place to begin is "Feeling Outnumbered? How to Mange and Enjoy a Multi-dog Household" by Patricia McConnell.

If you can, locate a certified trainer near you. Everyone could benefit from a coach! Visit   

I wish you the best!