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Motorcycle Phobia

18 16:58:36

My dog, Lily goes ballistic whenever she sees a motorcycle and  I'm having trouble desensitizing her of it. She is a 1 yr old, boxer/beagle mix.  I rescued her 4 months ago from the SPCA.  All I know of her background is that she was found wandering alone in Lake County, CA (which is fairly rural), so city noises took some adjustment.  She now does well with most loud noises and movements, except for motorcycles which she wants to chase and destroy. I've tried distracting her with food and toys to no avail.  I reward her on the rare time she doesn't react, but nothing seems to work.  Help!

Hi, Gabriela,

Thanks for the question.

Do you ever play tug-of-war or fetch with Lily outdoors? Could you hand feed her all her meals outdoors for a few wks. or mos. if necessary? Has she had any obedience training, particularly "down" or "stay?"

I look forward to hearing back from you.