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Boxer Dog

18 16:38:15


We have a 4 yr old boxer that was well behaved and never caused trouble that is until she went to stay at my sisters for the weekend and my sister has 2 Boxer/German Sheppard puppies. Since she has come back, shes jumping up on the kitchen counter and knocking food down for herself, Shes opening doors and knocking over lamps etc...Before when we would come down to let her out in the morning she would be in her bed fast asleep but now shes scrapping at the door to be let out.she never did anything like this before-would you know the reason why she has started to do this now?

If the only thing that was different lately was the visit to your sister's, I would suggest that the environment there is different than yours and that the puppy behaviors rubbed off on her.  What do you know about how your sister corrects her dogs and what kind of behavior she expects of them?

What you probably need to do is some re-training with your dog; I'm including some documents to give you suggestions.

You may also wish to consider using a crate for her; it's a wonderful management tool that can be used throughout the life of the dog.