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Eating Mulch

18 17:10:31

I just rescued a pug (3 year old male)several weeks ago.  He is doing great except that he always wants to eat the mulch in my gardens.  It generally comes out whole in his stools.  Why does he do this and how can I get him to stop?  Thanks.

Dear Maureen,
Thanks for the question. Eating non-food items or pica can occur for several reasons. Usually pica is a symptom of some other issue. It could be  an attention seeking issue, boredom, a medical issue, or any number of things. Sometimes the dogs just like the taste.

Forget about stopping the behavior. Focus on meeting the social, emotional and physical needs of the dog and focus on replacing pica with an acceptable behavior or preventing it.

Without knowing more about you, your dog, his environment, amount of exercise, feeding and elimination habits, amount training, when he has access and for how long, if he does it only when you are present or only when you are not present, what you have tried already, et cetera - I can't be sure why he is doing it.

Either give that rascal better things to eat, like a frozen Kong-siscle or don't leave him unattended in the same area as mulch.

If you are leaving him out for short periods, a Kong with frozen food inside works great. Get a Kong, seal the small opening with a strip of duct tape, place some treats and food inside, stand it upright in your freezer and freeze it. Take the tape off and give it to your dog when he will be in the yard.

Increasing his daily exercise, taking him for walks, teaching him new tricks or obedience commands - all of these can help to fulfill his social, emotional and physical needs and balance his environment.

I would very very very rarely, ever, suggest an e-collar or any type of punishment for pica. He's doing it for some reason and even if you stop him from eating mulch, what will he do to fill the void?  

Happy Training!