Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > nervous peeing puppy

nervous peeing puppy

18 16:44:57

QUESTION: Hi, I have a wonderful 4 1/2 mo old sheltie.  He comes to us when he needs to go outside to potty has never had a bowel movement inside.  He is not a nervous pup is very secure around new things and people but was frightened by a smoke alarm and doesn't like strange noises.  He does not stand and pee in the house but if startled will dribble a path as he walks, we think this may be nervous but am not sure, he stays in a playpen size area while we are at work and has never had an accident there or in the canvas crate he sleeps in at night.  He has also had this accident while playing with friends.  Could this be an infection even though he shows no signs of it.  I want to stress that he is not a typically nervous sheltie.  We have even seen him looking back at himself as though he didn't know what was happening.  Could it just be because he is still young.  Please help, we love this dog.  Thank you.  Sandy

ANSWER: This sounds like submissive urination but it may be a physical problem since the dog is not otherwise nervous or fearful (except for the smoke alarm incident.)  It's possible the dog acquired a fear conditioned response when the smoke alarm went off and is exhibiting this behavior because he associates something about his own behavior with this event, but this is a stretch.  The fact that he demonstrates it while playing may be an indication of some urinary incontinence during emotional excitement; I suggest you take this to the veterinarian.  If the vet can't come up with a physiological explanation, repost.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I need to clarify, it only happened once during play with a friend of ours.  He plays all the time with us and with our cat and never had another accident.  Since he holds his urine and never has went in his bed or playpen area I don't think it is a kidney infection is that correct?  I tend to agree with you that it may be a submissive or nervous reaction because it has occurred when he has smelled cooking smoke and or slight smoke from our fireplace.  This makes me think he is afraid the smoke detector is going to go off.  I mentioned that he doesn't like the sound of some other household appliances so we take him outside when I am going to run the vacuum etc.  Will he eventually become secure enough that if this is the problem he will be able to control it.  Thank you for your help.  Sandy

If the dog is so conditioned to the smoke alarm that he actually demonstrates anxiety at the slightest smell of smoke (!!), he has a very profound fear reaction.  Submissive urination or incontinence caused by sudden fear is NOT an "accident" because it isn't voluntary.  The thing that confuses me about it, however, is the dog's own reaction to it as you described in your first question: looking behind him as if puzzled at the presence of urine.  When a dog experiences submissive urination, it is in a sense a communication (a "statement" if you will).  Because the dog seems puzzled by his own behavior, I'm not altogether sure it is submissive urination.  A vet visit is definitely called for.