Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > training


18 16:42:26

Just got myself a 2 month old Schnauzer from a pet store where pee and poo was done in the cage to fall in a lower compartment.  I guess this is the reason I am having problem training him, what would you suggest.  Thank you

It is the reason you are having trouble - he's probably from a big puppy mill where he did the same there, and missed out on his mother being able to teach him not to soil the "den".  Supervise the dog at all times.  Take him out more frequently than you think he needs to go (especially right after he wakes, eats, drinks, or plays), and reward him each time he performs outdoors, either with praise or an occasional treat.  Do NOT scold him for accidents - he may learn to hide and pee when you aren't looking.  For now, he must be in your sight all the time, so you can use a tether to keep him by your side.  If he looks like he is about to make a mistake, gently say "eh-eh" "Outside?" and take him out.  Clean any mistakes with a cleaner such as Petastic or Nature's Miracle.  The key is to not give him any opportunity to eliminate indoors, so that he learns to view the outdoors as the toilet area.
Now that you have this dog, I know you love him, and that's ok, but let this be a lesson - never buy a pet store dog again!!!!  Unfortunately, doing so perpetuates puppy mills, and difficult to house train dogs.

If you bought from a pet store, ask the owner where the dogs came from.  Most will say "a breeder", but if you question further, you can find out if it's a USDA large scale breeder.  If you hear that the pup came through a large supplier, like Hunte, then the person is dealing with volume breeders, and that's often a big problem.  You are not "rescuing" by buying from pet stores - that's a fallacy, you are perpetuating puppy mills because the store owner just fills up the cage with another one.  Next time, my advice would be to get a pup from a breeder recommended to you by a local positive trainer, or through the breed club in your area.