Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > 5 year old Chihuahua male dog

5 year old Chihuahua male dog

18 16:59:48

I received this dog at the age of 2. He was a breeder's dog, had no human contact with people except when geing taken out of one cage and put in another for breeding purposes. I have had him for 3 years, he trusts me, and only me. My problem is that he is not potty trained. No matter how often I take him out, he still goes where he wants to. Most of the time when he goes #1 or # 2, he goes on my carpet, then comes to me wanting to go outside. It is like he knows to go outside, but does it backward. How can I train him the right way? I know he is a smart dog, but it is driving me crazy having to steam clean my carpet daily.

Pretty much the only way to do this is to constantly supervise the dog.  Some owners choose crate training, but with a dog that probably learned to pee in his crate, that may not be such a good plan.  Another option is to tether the dog to you by his leash.  That way, you can interrupt any "accidents" at the very moment they start and say "outside?" and take him out.  Never scold him (he will just learn to be afraid to go in front of you), but just interrupt with a quiet "eh-eh".  Also, remember to praise him after he finishes going outside, even try giving him a little treat once in a while.  You may even want to try clicker training, where you click when he's done, and treat.  Be sure to wait till he's finished, though, or you could be marking the behavior too soon, and some dogs will actually learn to shut off the stream just to get the treat;-)