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Whining needs exercise

18 17:05:22

Hi i have a male- not fixed- neopolitan mastiff. Hese about 2 years old. All he dose is sit there and wine! its driving all of us nuts. he will just sit there and whine over nothing. do u know what the problem is? we have tried to stop him from whineing by placeing his favorite food and water along with some toys infront of him and we also pet him but no matter what we do he will not stop whineing, also he sometimes uses are downstairs as a bathroom. do u know of a way to correct his wineing and his use of the downstairs?

Hi Stephanie, Your dog is in great need of a lot of exercise. A large dog (well any dog), but especially a large breed will need lots of exercise. Take him for frequent walks at the heel to exercise his mind and body. While you do this clean all of his scent from the house with scrubbing and a good dog deodorizer. Taking him for long walks morning and evening, as frequently as you can, will serve to socialize him and to exercise his mind and body. He is whining because he has needs. You must meet his needs. Begin by exercise, give him a job (even if it is just carrying a pack or doing tricks), then give him love. He will thank you by being a wonderful companion. Warm Regards, Susan