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need, clingy dog

18 16:54:50

Hi,and thank you for your time. My 4 yr. old spayed mostly husky mix has always been super affectionate and social, but as expected, since our baby arrived 10 months ago, she has become SUPER clingy/needy. [we adopted her from a rescue 3yrs. ago] The biggest problem is that she doesn't respond to our instructions to sit or lay down, and is always "in our face." I adore her and am very patient with her but I feel like I don't know the most productive way to get her to respect our space(esp. around baby), and my husband is loosing patience. She is EXCELLENT with the baby-no issues there. She just wants as much attention as baby (understandable). Her companion dog (13 yr old border terrier) passed away in the spring. She did not seem to react drastically, I think, because the terrier did not really play much. I know she'd benefit from a companion to play with but it just can't happen for a few years. Any tips? Her exercise at this point consists of a few walks around the 2 acre yard each day, on a flexi lead or off. I am hoping to jog a bit eventually w/her but time w/out baby is limited. Thanks again for your time. Also, she eats high quality dry kibble w/ canned on top.

Hi Moira

I know how you feel - I have a 6 month old baby and a border collie who is also struggling to cope!

It is difficult and there is not a quick fix.  She needs to get used to the baby's presence, and the older babies get the more time/attention they take up so it can be tricky for dogs to keep adjusting.  I think if you just ignore her when you don't want to give her attention (or in fact any time she is soliciting attention) but make sure you regularly call her to you for a fuss she will learn that she will get all her attention but it will be when you decide, so she is wasting her time trying to force it.

If you want to improve her sit/down commands you need to train her at other times in special sessions with just you, her and some treats - don't try to have a spontaneous session when you are trying to juggle a baby too!  The more exercise she can get, off lead, the better.  perhaps you can try giving her chews throughout the day, or giving her food to her in a Kong or activity ball so she is occupied with other things.

Good Luck
