Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > yelping


18 16:46:11

QUESTION: My puppy yelps uncontrollably when I leave the room or leave the house to go to work.  How do I stop this? She will do this even if other people are home at the time.

ANSWER: Tell me how old this puppy is; how long have you had it; who else lives with you and how they interact with the puppy.  When did the yelping first begin, who reported it to you?  What's the possibility someone has "disciplined" this puppy inappropriately for this yelping?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My puppy is 4 months old.  We have had her for about 3 weeks. The first 5 days we had her I was home on vacation.  When I returned to work, she started yelping when I left.  She even yelps when I leave the room.  My husband is home when she is yelping.  How should he discipline her when she is yelping?


It's quite possible this "discipline" has already occurred and is further provoking the yelping.  This is an INFANT; would you "discipline" a 6 month old baby for crying when you left the room?

This baby is attached to you because she was removed from littermates and dam (mother) or, even worse, came from a neglectful breeding environment (puppy mill breeder, pet store, etc.) and the first and only solid bond she has formed is YOU.  ONE DOES NOT DISCIPLINE A DOG, especially not a baby.

Do not reward her yelping; if she cries when you leave the room ignore it; reward her when she is confident and happy (playful) and ignore the over attachment until it stops.  Set her up once in a while by leaving the room; if she's crying, clap your hands or otherwise distract her (WITHOUT frightening her) and then reenter the room when she is calm.  Learn about positive reinforcement training (go to and teach this very young dog one command at a time, in very short sessions each day.  Start with "sit" (but use a different word); just as a young child cannot pay attention for long, neither can a young dog.  Keep the sessions short (a few minutes at a time) and use a good treat (with your clicker): a tiny piece of fat free cheese.  She will easily and rapidly learn "sit" and then you can ask her to "sit" before playing with her or interacting with her (for a week or two only).  This will engage her cognitive abilities and encourage problem solving skills.  She will learn that "working" gets reward AND attention. By ignoring her crying/yelping, she will soon stop that behavior.  Learn about dog psychology: discipline produces fear, fear produces avoidance and sometimes aggression.  Read John Fisher's "Think Dog".  Give this baby a break.  Give her CALM, consistent interaction, reward her desire to please you and response to your "commands", have tons of patience, IGNORE what you do not like, REWARD what you do like.