Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > greyhound using house as toilet

greyhound using house as toilet

18 17:02:55

Hi Cassie,
We recently adopted a 2 year old greyhound from a rescue.  She is a great dog except for one BIG problem - urinating and defecating in the house.  She was trained within a couple weeks of getting her but after a couple months she started doing her business in the house again.  We were told to start from scratch.  We tried to crate train her again but since she had not been in one for a couple months she went crazy when we put her in.  She shook and actually went to the bathroom in the cage.  When we came back two hours later she was covered in it.  so we haven't put her in the crate again.  We now must keep all doors closed when we are not home.  And when we are home we must follow her around in fear that she'll go to the bathroom. We put her food and water down for 20 minutes and then take it up twice a day. The vet says there are no medical problems.  We have a fenced yard and she is out all the time.  Our house stinks!!!! We love her but I'm not sure how much longer we can do this.  Please help.  Frustrated in Jersey - Diane

   Hi Diane,
        I do not recommend crate training for this reason. I believe that the only way to fix this is to keep her outside most of the time. Dogs would much rather be outside than stuck in the house. Maybe she's trying to tell you something.  :)