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dog aggresion

18 17:10:34

I have three dogs.  2 females and 1 male.  The oldest is a pitbull about 18 mos old.  The second a German shepard cross  between 16-18 mos old and the younget another pitbull is about 10 mos and is the male.  Recently the two females had a fight and got extreamly aggresive with each other.  We broke up the fight and put them both in time out.  Later we took them outside and The middle one Daisy was cowering from the oldest Tonka.  We tried to gently reintroduce them and as soon as they got too close Daisy wimperd and Tonka tried to get her again.  Now Daisy is extreamly scared of her and we can't even let them in the same room because Daisy gets scared and gets her gaurd hairs up and hunches.  What can we do to get them together and correct Tonka's aggresive behavior towards her. They both are still getting along with the youngest male.  I am at a loss of how to correct this.

Their doing what my dogs did and sometimes still do. Their working out who is higher in position to "control" the pack. Daisy is now at the bottom of the group and Tonka is the leader of them. My dogs had a phase of this for about two months. We've started correcting it by feeding the lead dog first and then right after, the low one. If we see them about to start something, we get out a newspaper and threaten them and saying "no" with high authority. We keep it up until they back off of their issue. If they start something before we can stop it, break it up and let them both know that this behavior is not allowed and be a bit more aggressive in this to the lead dog, Tonka. Hope this helps and feel free to follow up.