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Dog Bite PTSD

18 16:59:15

Our 20-mo. old yorkie mix was a social butterfly at the dog park until he was bitten by a lab. He underwent vet treatments and hid in his crate for weeks. Since then (Jan.) he hasn't been the same guy. When we go to the park now we keep him in a fenced area with all small dogs. He's great with people but aloof and very nervous if approached by dogs.  He shows fear agression -- Tail and butt lowered, eyes wide, sometimes baring teeth and snapping... we miss our old boy! We want him to be comfortable again.  What can we do to help re-socialize him with other dogs?

I would take him to a group class with dogs his own size.  Then, he will be in a structured environment, in a smaller group, with an instructor to help you both, and no intimidating larger dogs at first.  He should learn to focus his attention on you - your teacher would help you train "attention", "leave it" and "come", as you first want to have some control over your dog's behavior so you can ask him to rely on you, rather than focus on the scary dogs.  The instructor could then help you gradually re-introduce him to SAFE larger dogs.  You need to build up his positive experiences while not having any negative ones to set him back.