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Dog is acting clingy and protective

18 17:09:47

Good Morning I hope you are well.  I hope you can help me.  I have a one 1yr old Siberian husky/collie mix.  I recently adopted her from a shelter.  She has adjusted very well (I think).  Her name is Spirit.  These last couple of days she's been acting very clingy and protective of me.  She even climbs into bed with me and nestles under my arm or lays her head on my stomach.  I thought it might possibly be separation anxiety but she still eating and drinking... not to mention I haven't found any little surprises around the house.  Can you tell me if my baby is depressed?  Oh, I forgot to mention that she is fix and I've had her for almost a month now.  I don't know what her life was like before us.  I'm sure she belonged to someone because she's very well trained.  She will sit, stay, come, when called.  She will even wake me to take her for her walk... or when my alarm goes off she will come and get me.  This hasn't changed.  I'm just wondering why is she being so clingy and protective now.

Hi Cornelia, Thank you for giving an adoptive dog a new life. It sounds like Spirit has a very good spirit and is showing you her love and affection. It may seem that she is overly clingy, but she has been through a lot being put up for adoption. Does she howl or cry for you when you leave?  I do not think she is depressed, I feel that she is just expressing her love to you.  She is showing you affection  and appreciation. She deserves lots of praise. I feel that she will grow more secure as time goes by and you will feel very blessed to have such a nice dog. Thank you for writing. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Keep me posted on her.  Regards, Susan