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suddenly she cant get close enough

18 17:00:16

Sophie, my 6-7 year old mixed breed hound, is a wonderful, loving companion.  She has had some health issues, (cancer tumor on the outside of her year which was removed, some stomach issues, and she is on thyroid meds)  She seems happy, and excited, however suddenly she can not get close enough to Dave or I.  For example:  Dave called me into the bathroom only to find that Sophie had gotten into the running shower with him.  Sophie has Never liked water, and we have to lift her into the tub to shower.  She is following us around, staying as close as possible.  Any ideas?

Hi Bobbi,

Any sudden behavioral changes like this may be her way of saying that she does feel well.

Since she has had some medical problems. I would take her to the vet ASAP.

If all clears there, look to her environment, is she getting shocked with static electricity? Are the barometric weather changes due to storms?

Hope all goes better for her soon!