Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > coon hound puppy 5 1/2 months.

coon hound puppy 5 1/2 months.

18 16:57:33

puppy pees on top of all furniture.  She is otherwise housebroken always pees
outside, stays in the crate at night and when we are away.  She has not had
regular walks I am wondering if this is a reason she may be doing this.

I would supervise her carefully and don't allow her on the furniture. Keep her where you can see her, even tether her to you to prevent her from rehearsing the behavior. Of course clean soiled areas with a good enzymatic cleaner. You might make certain she doesn't have a urinary tract infection which sometimes shows up in urinating on soft surfaces. Of course, regular exercise and training will help also. Sandy Case MEd CPDT