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Beagle turned watch dog

18 16:51:12

My very social, very sweet beagle has become aggressive.  Like others who
have asked the same question, I have 't heard an answer to what seems a
general breed issue.   There have been no changes, he has always been
around all kinds of dogs and people in indoor and outdoor situations, off
leash and on leash, but now growls and barks like a watchdog,  nipped a
friend who went to pet him, etc.  Please advise of what to do.

Hi Loma,

I don't see this as a breed specific question at all. If he has had a sudden behavioral change and nothing has changed then I would take him to the vet for a complete wellness heck including a bascic blood chemistries panel.

In the mean time, remove him from his triggers (my guess the doorway) when people come over. Make the decisions for him until he is back to his usual swet self. You don't want him learning bad things that you will have to undo later.