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Wild behavior

18 16:59:15

I want to know why my dog attacks if someone enters the room in which he is sleeping. Also when he is brought back from a ride or from a walk, we need to keep precaution as he often attacks. Though properly and timely vaccinated, he has bitten many till date.

Please suggest tips how to deal with this habit. Dog is a cross breed and now he is 10 years old. I know it is too late but till date we contacted many vet doctors and experts but all failed. Even when he is 10 years old, he is still active.

Honestly? Without seeing your dog, and his environment, and his "tells" when he is feeling anxious or reactive, there is absolutely no way to tell you over the internet why your dog bites people. I couldn't guess, and even if I could, I think giving guesses over the internet about dogs who bite humans is a very bad and dangerous idea. What have the experts told you? What have you tried? Have you consulted a behaviorist? That would be my suggestion, and managing his life so he's not in a position to bite people. This is a serious issue, not one for free advice on the internet. Ten is not too old to learn. And I'm sure you could get some ideas on how to better manage him from an in-person visit from a behaviorist. Not cheap, but cheaper than a lawsuit if he bites the wrong person. Sandy Case MEd CPDT