Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Aggression towards toys and other dogs

Aggression towards toys and other dogs

18 17:00:53

My female malamute has a problem with toy aggression and other dogs. People can take a toy away from her no problem. I read that tug of war can be a problem but she loves tug of war i have never let her win and she we drop the toy when given the command to let go. Now she doesn't always want to play with the toy necessarily but she just doesn't want the other dog to have it. Are there any other exercises you can to to cure this problem.

Hi Eric,

A dog that will guard something valuable from a human is amiuch different beast then a dog who will guard something from another animal.

Easiest fix is to assign 'cheing stations" and teach her that when she tries to take someone else's toys-they all come up! They are yours and you are allowing her to play with them as long as she plays well. Make sure that they are far enogh apart for her to relax with her toy and not feel competitive for the other toy. Over time the other dog will relax too.

Be very clear if she is in fact stealing the toy with not love in her heart. A good test will be once you have taught them to go to their respective stations with their toy-if the other dog keeps going over to give up their toy. If that's the case thenleae it be-they have worked out their own play.

But if she truly is guarding and causing havoc with that activity then structuring the trigger will help.

Have you read Mine! by Jean Donaldson? great book about resource guarding!