Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Growling-


18 17:05:15

I have a 6 year old male, intact Czech Shepard import. He has had extensive training by 2 trainers. He has a great disposition and even does Pet Therapy in a hospital. But, he growls at me which is unacceptable, I give him a kiss, hold his snout, play a bit with him. He will not bite but comes right back like a grumpy old man and cannot figure out what the growling means-what is he communicating? He loves people and kids completely. He was intentionally not socialized by other dogs as a pup and does not play with dogs as he is trained to be vigilant around me. We were attacked /accosted by three incidents of loose dogs in last 2 years and he will give a very loud bark to some nearby approaching dogs but I read it as a warning not a pending attack. The dog is in excellent health and had a recent physical. I would like the growling to lessen if cannot be extinguished and for him to be able to socialize with a few dogs, we are working on another Shep now, slowly. He also is a bit nippy but I see it as oral with very sharp teeth rather than aggression and that has to stop. He is 6 years of age but has the energy of a 2 year old. We walk 2 miles each day and are in an urban setting so there is no free runs at this time.  He is on a USDA quality dry diet and I keep him lean and he is steady at 77lbs, I hope this helps.
Thank you,

Hi Ron, You dog is not respecting you as his pack leader. Read my articles on this site about establishing yourself as a pack leader. When he growls at you, you must immediately address it by using your hand to hold his scruff, look him straight in the eyes (until he looks away), and make it clear that it is unacceptable for him to growl. Read up on pack behavior and how to establish yourself as the alpha dog. It is very important. We have therapy and service dogs which we own and train for others. Any dog that growls, nips, bites...should not be used in therapy or service work until you address this issue. Email me privately if you would like to have a telephone consultation, which I charge a minor fee for, or get an animal behaviorist in your area to assist you immediately. This is very important as it can escalate. There are many people who have written to me on this list, so you can research my writings and advice by reading some of my responses to them. Thank you for writing. Leave me some feedback, follow up with me to let me know how you progress with this problem. Warm Regards, Susan