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nursing pups

18 17:03:37

Hello I don't have a Jack Russell I have a Fox Terrier (Pinky) she gave birth to 6 very healthy puppies on december 22nd. I have moved the Pups and Pinky into a playpen with easy access for Pinky to come and go. The pups are staring to walk so they needed a bigger area. I have 2 questions regarding Pinky 1st one is that she is a 8 pound Rat Terrier and I have her on a mixture of soft and hard dog food while nursing (which I read on the internet) and I always have a plate at all times for her to eat. She seems to be eating regularly but she is so skinny right now...should I be worried ( she did have a large litter and this is her 1st one). The 2nd question is that she seems to leave to pups alot more then when they were smaller she will go feed them 2-3 times a day but when ever she is by them or in the playpen she cries a lot. Is it normal for her to always cry when she is around her pups? My sister says also her breast may hurt from nursing to try to rub some Utter cream on them I haven't done this because I do not want to put anything on them while she is nursing. I do rub her stomach down a couple times a day with a warm wash cloth. Awaiting your response hope you can help.   Thanks, Suzette

Allowing a bitch to breed is a huge decision and should not be undertaken by most people.  You haven't mentioned how old your bitch is, and I'm seriously hoping this wasn't her first heat cycle.  She seems totally psychologically and physically unprepared for this litter of puppies.  If she is 8 pounds, her pups must be TINY. Their weight needs to be monitored carefully and they may need supplemental feeding because it appears she is not nursing them adequately.  Furthermore, hypoglycemia is a huge problem in tiny puppies.  Before you even know a pup is suffering, it can die.  The fact that you haven't lost any puppies is, to me, astonishing.

I suggest you take your Rat Terrier to the veterinarian ASAP for a full post-whelping examination.  ASAP!!!  Furthermore, you need to be feeding her a very high quality puppy food (I suggest Royal Canin, I believe they have a terrier mix), some cottage cheese in every meal, and any other supplements the veterinarian suggests.  Your puppies need to be examined by the veterinarian also, for weight and developmental issues.  You might be instructed to supplement their feeding, in which case you will have to purchase milk replacement formula and learn how to administer it.  You will also need a gram scale.

Puppies need to be handled and socialized to human beings beginning at three weeks of age.  Going to the internet for your information is NOT adequate.  You need the advice of a veterinary specialist and you need it NOW.  As soon as these puppies are weaned, have your bitch spayed!