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2 female dogs

18 16:56:09

We have 2 female dogs...a black lab and an old english bulldog. Both are about 8 years old. One is ours and the other is my father's fiance. We want to combine the 2 houses and move in together but the dogs are not having it. The house we would be moving to, is the one occupied by the bulldog and when we bring our lab around, she is constantly chasing her and growling, and they frequently end up fighting. Neither dog is fixed....will it help if we get the bulldog fixed? If not, what can we do???

If these two are fighting on sight (as it appears they are) there is not much you can do.  Unfortunately, they should have been introduced in neutral territory on lead, walked parallel to one another, and allowed multiple events for interaction.  Bringing the Lab onto the territory of the Bulldog was a huge error.  You might still try to socialize them together as stated, but with strict and careful restraint and supervision, but I doubt it will work.  Not being able to interact with and evaluate these dogs individually and together, I'm unable to determine a behavior modification protocol (rewarding appropriate body language, maintaining fair but consistent psychological control of both dogs, learning intervention based up subtle body language before fights develop, etc.), nor even determine if one is feasible.  You  might attempt to locate a certified applied animal behaviorist. Call veterinary groups in your area and/or the veterinary college in your geographical area and ask for referral to a Ph.D. or DVM.