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Dalmatians brains

18 17:02:29

I have heard that a Dalmatians brain never stops growing and that is why some are overly aggressive. I was wondering if this was true or not? If it is, where can I find more information based facts about this.

The Dalmation is no different than any other member of Canis Familiaris; the brain develops normally.  Dalmations are coach dogs specifically genetically engineered to accompany horse drawn carriages for protection.  They are a very tough, high energy, independent breed which requires extensive physical exercise on a daily basis, careful positive reinforcement training, and an experienced dog owner.  They are also overly produced by very bad backyard breeders and puppy mills.  As in any dog breed, breeding stock is absolutely important both for type and temperament.  Purchasing a puppy of any breed from a careless, casual, or neglectful breeder is never a good idea.