Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > seemingly spiteful urination

seemingly spiteful urination

18 17:10:34

I have a 2 year old spayed female westiepoo. She is housbroken. I've had her for
a year. I also have a 5 yr old chessie retriever- terrier mix female. My fiance and
his dog ( a 19 year old terrier mix) moved in with us about 2 months ago. My
fiance found my westiepoo peeing on his dog's just-washed bed. This is not the
first time she's done something like this.  It is if she had been waittng for the
bed cover to come out of the dryer.

Dear Annie,
Thanks for the question. Multi-dog households can be challenging! The marking behavior is a social statement which can only be cured by training and establishing a clear social structure within the household.

In the meantime, don't use punishment to stop this behavior, it will increase an alternate misbehavior. Prevent the behavior from becoming a habit. Don't give your girl a chance to mark the bed.

If there were a tip or suggestion that would help, I'd offer it. It's much more complex than can be addressed on this board. Buy the book, Feeling Outnumbered? How to Manage and Enjoy Your Multi-Dog Household. (Paperback)
by Karen B. London, Patricia B. McConnell

Happy Training!