Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > aggesive


18 17:00:53

Hi I have a 7 month old rotty female. Shes a pretty good dog and gets along with everyone. The problem I have is if she finds something on the floor that she really really wants if you reach down to take it she will like lunge at it and will start growling. then she will sit up on her back legs put her front paws on my arm and growl with the thing she found if i put my hand in her mouth to take it she bites down harder so I can't get it. Any ideas on how to stop this or what i should do will be very much appreciated thanks.

Dear Stacy,
Thanks for writing. The obvious solution to this one behavior is to teach her "Trade".  The fact that she challenges you may be a sign of an out-of-balance relationship. Programs like NILIF can be helpful for teaching the dog to defer to you. Google the words "NILIF and Voith" (without quotes) to read about teaching your dog to defer to you.

Thanks for writing. Good Luck.

Alan J Turner