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Dogs conflict

18 17:01:13

QUESTION: Hello Dr. Jill,
1)How strong is a Siberian Husky? Is it stronger than a German shepherd or a pitbull?
2)Can a mastiff defeat a great Dane?
3)Can a great Dane defeat a pitbull?

ANSWER: I really don't understand the motivation for this question.  Planning to conduct some dog fights in your area?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Absolutly not, I am agains dogs fight, and in Italy they are strictly forbidden. I just asked you because I am curious about dog's power because I love dogs.
Best regards.

Siberian Huskies are bred to pull sleds.  German Shepherds are herd guarding dogs.  American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers were originally (a long time ago) intended as literal bull fighters.  One cannot compare the strength of breeds per se as each breed was intended for different purposes.  Whether or not one breed can "defeat" another is a moot point.