Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > puppy biting

puppy biting

18 16:45:55

QUESTION: Almost 2 weeks ago I got a (at that time)10 week old Toy Fox Terrier.  She is a sweet girl but she is always trying to chew on everything including us.  I've tried short commands like "No bite" and given her something she can chew on like one of her toys.  I play on the floor a lot with her with her toys and praise her when she is chewing on things she is aloud to.  I would like to know the best approach to teach her not to chew/bite things she's not supposed to, especially people.

ANSWER: Exchanging a toy for your puppy's inappropriate choice of teething material (like a pillow, sock, etc.) is rewarding her for the behavior.  If she has a sufficient amount of safe toys, removing the inappropriate object (with no comment) and then yourself (for a few seconds) and then redirecting her to her own toys will help her learn which is which. Do not reprimand her for choosing inappropriate objects; she won't learn anything but to fear you.

Re: her teething on you: this puppy is still within age range for the sort of education that her littermates (or dam) would give her for using her teeth too much: a YIP! and withdrawal, then return with an appropriate toy.  YIP as a puppy would, show pain when you withdraw.  This will teach her that her teeth HURT (she has no idea); but beware of tug of war games which encourage the dog to test her strength against yours and growl/bite in the process.  Stick to things she can chase (like a very large rubber ball, not a tennis ball).  There's no need for you to be on the floor with her, you're giving her the wrong message.  At twelve weeks, she's old enough to start positive reinforcement training.  Learn about how to use it, in very, very short periods of time (no more than 3 to 5 minutes at a time) right now to teach her one or two behaviors (like "sit", "down") that she can perform briefly for reward.  Go to  Be sure to socialize this puppy; don't just let her hang out at home.  She needs to meet and greet others outdoors and become accustomed to happily and confidently seeing the outside world.  Keep these sessions short and happy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I guess I don't' understand the difference between me showing her where her toys were on the floor and "redirecting" her to her toys.  Also, it can be difficult to"remove myself" and "the item" since she follows me all over the place.  Great idea about "yipping" when she bites, we'll try it.  We've been socializing her, and she has done well as well as started working on "down" regularly and will work toward "sit" too.  Thank you for your help.

You said that you " alot with her on the floor", that's quite different from showing her where the toys are.  Giving her something of her own while she's chewing on something of yours is rewarding her; distracting her even for five seconds from the inappropriate chew object and redirecting her to her own toy is interrupting unwanted behavior and rewarding attention.  She's following you because that's what puppies this age do; to "remove" yourself, simply turn your back for ten seconds.