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Shih Tzu Cold-Weather Elimination Issue

18 17:09:58

Hello Alan,
I adopted a 1 year old Female Pure-Bred Shih Tzu 2 months ago. Housetraining has been successful, EXCEPT when it comes to Cold/Wet/Rainy Weather. She simply WILL NOT go to her same spot to eliminate in our backyard. She stands there and shivers. I redirect her with the command that she clearly understands, but she refuses to comply.I have also tired the following: Raincoat & Boots; Winter-Coat & Boots, taking her for a walk to help warm-up her body, and of course, alot of patience. She is fed canned-soft food 3 times a day (smaller portions and usually every 6-8 hours). She also has been to the vet within the last 3 months, and there was nothing alarming (physical, urine & blood tests). I think this is purely behavioral, and cannot figure out how to rememdy it. I also have a boy Shih Tzu (5 years old), and he is doing great with his coat & boots. I have also taken them both out at the same time, in the hopes that she catches on (watching him go 'pee-pee'), but again, no luck several times over! Is there anything you can suggest, or should I consult with a Vet or Animal Behaviorist? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you, Tina and Cookie

Dear Tina,
Thanks for the question. It sounds like you are very patient and have tried various kind solutions -  good for you! Getting upset at her will not help- I'm glad you are patient.

From what I understand, Cookie will go outdoors in Cold/Wet/Rainy Weather (now labeled Poor Weather Conditions or PWC)- but will not eliminate in her "same spot in our backyard"? Will she eliminate in another spot outside during PWC?

You'll need to identify exactly what piece or component of the event upsets her.

Does she readily go outdoors and eliminate when the weather is nice?

Excluding the weather, is there anything different about the routine of going outside to eliminate (during PWC)?

Does she readily go outdoors in PWC or do you have to coax her? If so, how do you coax her?

Do you have her on lead? If so, do you usually have her on lead when you take her out or only when it's PWC? Will she readily eliminate on lead during walks? in good weather?

Is she fearful of storms?  Is her behavior inside the house any different when it rains?

Where does she end up eliminating after she refuses to comply with your request to eliminate "in her spot"?

Has her natural coat been shaved? Does she seem to be "cold-natured" as in - does she seek out warm places inside the house- like laying in front of the refrigerator, beside warm air vents. etc.?

Does she readily go outside when it's cold but not raining? If so, how cold? 50 degrees (F) - 45 degrees? At what temperature will she exhibit the unwanted behaviors?

How about when it's raining but not cold? Will she go outside when it's misting-drizzling - sprinkling?

Will she readily eliminate when it's cold but not raining? when it's raining but not cold? IF so - at what temp does the behavior break down- how much water before it breaks down?

You are a detective now. You have a hypothesis. Even though you believe the Cold/Wet?Rainy Weather is the cause of her hesitance- it may not be. You need to test your hypothesis.

I'm shooting out questions so you will think of and record all the variables and isolate the one(s)that truly make a difference to her. (via the process of elimination- not via your untested thoughts (smile))

Once you've isolated the exact cause(s), you'll work on paying her to perform when some small portion of the cause is presented - but not at a level that will cause failures. Slowly you'll add more of the cause until she is happy to go anytime!

Of course, before you start the fix (small exposures) you'll need to be able to communicate instances of success - AND you'll need to pay her for performing for you. I'm guessing you already know how.

Please feel free to give me an update- It's an interesting case and I would love to include it in an upcoming publication.



Certified Syn Alia Training Systems Trainer, Lay Level 1