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My puppy has had no dog human interaction

18 16:57:35

Just wondering if you could give me some tips. My border collie puppy is 4mths old and is extremily frightened of humans. I purchased the pup as a herding dog but can not begin training until he bonds with me. Will not come near me even for food but gets very excited when my other dog is around. I have had him for 3 weeks now and still no improvement. Is there anything i can do? Come from a breeder

SOME BREEDER that was!!

At four months, if this puppy had very limited interaction with humans (except to observe feeding, watering, etc.), it will take a great deal of time for you to make yourself a created conspecific.  This will involve making the dog sleep in your bedroom; handfeeding the dog all three of his meals (at this age, he should be fed three times daily); putting a very long, lightweight house leash on him when you are at home so that he must be in your space at all times; and never, EVER, for any reason at all, forcing interaction with him. If this pup were truly feral, you wouldn't be able to get anywhere near him.  He is bonded only to other dogs and that is a VERY BAD BREEDER and one to avoid AT ANY COST in the future.

Three weeks is NO time at all for a pup in this psychological condition.  Don't even THINK about training him for anything until you see his behavior toward you begin to turn around.  You must remain CALM, consistent, FAIR, loving and PATIENT (all of these) for the duration of his lifetime.  You may NEVER raise your voice, show any anger, or in any way interrupt the tenuous bond of trust you are attempting to build with him.  Give this pup at least (at LEAST) six months of TLC.  He should begin to come around.  Keep him away from other dogs for the majority of his waking hours, except allow him to observe your other dogs interacting with you in a manner that will instruct him in trust toward you.  Once you begin training, use only positive reinforcement.