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Dog Jealousy

18 16:18:12

I moved in with my boyfriend a year ago, and he had 2 dogs when I moved in.  One he'd had for 13 years (a female that is around 14 years old), and a male that is around 3 and had been adopted by my boyfriend a year and a half prior to my moving in. Both dogs are rescues. I love animals and am naturally drawn to them, thus the feeding and care for all of my boyfriends' pets - the 2 dogs and his 10 outdoor cats - became my responsibly from the outset.  I feed them, take them to the vet, give them all their medications, take the younger dog on hikes/walks occasionally and I give them more attention and affection.  Not only is it in my nature to do so, but more often at home and thus with them more of the time.   At this point both dogs tend to follow me everywhere I go, from room to room as I putter around the house, and they usually want to sleep with me - particularly the younger male dog.  For example, if I leave our bedroom when I can't sleep to watch TV  on the couch in the living room, they both jump up and follow me.  If I leave them behind, they will wait by the bedroom door and even whine and scratch at the door.  The male dog, in particular, seems to really love me and is growing increasingly jealous of my boyfriend, or at least the affection my boyfriend and I show each other. When my boyfriend comes home and hugs me, the male dog barks at us - actually he barks at us whenever we are embracing or kissing. And I think it's getting worse - today he barked at us when we were simply talking, although we were excited by a baseball game we were watching.  As an aside, he also barks at us if either of us yell at the television during a game, whereas he doesn't respond when we yell at eachother during a fight.   In bed the male dog gets jealous if I'm physically affectionate or close to my boyfriend, and will nudge his way between us or do what he can to get attention by making whining noises or being cute, etc.  He does not display aggression toward my boyfriend nor has his attitude or affection toward my boyfriend changed in any other way.  He only acts this way when my boyfriend and I are affectionate toward eachother. And it feels like he's focused on me when jealous.
HOw can we discourage the jealousy? And more importantly makethe dog feel more secure and well-adjusted?    

By the way, some additional background information that you may find helpful is:  the older female dog is the Alpha,and dominates the male.  She was rescued from the streets at 6 months.  The male was rescued from a shelter after being left by his previous owner.  Apparantly he was left alone all day, and acted out by destroying things and by barking. Finally, since I've moved in he has gained weight and grown thicker hair; when I met him he was thin and had large bald spots.  

Thank you so much for your time and assistance, you have no idea how much I appreciate and need your advice.

The jealousy issue could go two ways: a lack of confidence and therefore is relying on you to help lead him; or he has started to see you as part of his territory. Regardless, we need to help me understand that he does not have to be with you every part of every day.

What I would recommend could help both possible reasons. First of all, at every/random timing situations when he wants to follow you, don't allow him. If he knows stay or any similar command, use that whenever you walk away and make sure he is actually following the command. Then reward him by praise or treat when you re-enter the room. But casually, as this can easily turn into an anxiety issue as you mentioned he will whine and scratch at the door to get to you. The other part of this is be firm with the commands and implement a reward system in which he must earn every single thing that happens. Whether it's food, treats, walks, playtime, etc. This will both place as his alpha and no longer possible possession as well as boost his confidence for being rewarded for learning and showing off the things he has learned.

Keep me posted or let me know if there are any other questions.