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Dog wont walk

18 16:56:53

I have a 12 year old blue heeler named Zeff, in November she started refusing to walk if I tried to take her on a route that is not our usual route. I tried picking her up and carrying her, block by block until she would walk ( and this works sometimes) but it is only getting worse. Bribes don't work and she is getting more spooked and suspicious that I'll try to take her on another route. Being angry with her has never worked for anything. I don't know how to re-condition her to turn right at the end of the driveway instead of left etc... She is very strong willed like most heelers. Got any ideas? I need her to trust me to take her the correct way and follow my lead.

Hi Marie

Firstly, get her checked by a vet.  As she is aging it is quite possible it is a health problem.  Sudden changes in behaviour like this (I presume it is sudden and out of character?) are usually medical.  It may be her hearing or eyesight is going, making her feel more vulnerable.  Another possibility is her joints are getting stiff so again she feels vulnerable and coping with going on a different walk just might be too much to cope with.  As dogs age they become more cautious (like us!) as they will be less able to react or recover if injured.  

It isn't a reflection of her trust in you, just a reflection of her independence and self-preservation.

For now, keep taking her on the walks she is happy with until she has had a full physical check.  Let me know if I can help after this - it will be interesting to know!

Also have a think about anything that happened around the time she stopped going that way.  Had she gone that way with you and had a fright (we have lots of fireworks in November for example)...?

Best regards,
