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Question on one of your answers

18 16:56:00

 Reading thru the articles I found one to be somewhat disturbing.  The article about the 2 month old Beagle and putting it down.  
  This should not even be an option.  I know that it is common practice if a dog bites a human that is not the owner to have the dog put down, but a 2 month old Beagle??
  To me, a suggestion of getting the dog professionally assessed medically to see if there is a neurological issue.  I respect the fact you have decades of experience, but I must ask why resort to putting an animal down?

ANSWER: Hi Brian,   I know this sounds pretty bad and it is!  I definitely can see where you're coming from and I respect your opinion.  If you read my first response, then you know that I made suggestions that might have helped this dog (maybe).   The individual wrote back right away & said this was a REAL problem.  
    Look at things this way for just a minute.   Any 8 week old animal of any species that has this big of a behavior problem at this young age has a real problem.  Most folks don't have the money to spend on a neurological evaluation for a human, much less a dog.
Any money earmarked for doggie psychiatry, should be sent to St. Jude's Children,s Research Hospital in Memphis TN.
    Anyone who breeds any kind of animal knows full well that there are going to be individuals born to the general population that have any number of genitic deficiencies.   Then, when you figure in the line breeding and such (not that this is a bad thing) you up your chances even higher.  Note* You can also linebreed/inbreed AWAY from this sort of stuff but you have to be breeding for it.  There is an old saying " if you can't put em down, don't breed em.   Used to be most breeders took care of these unpleasantries themselves.   Nowadays, alot of these pups get pawned off to unsuspecting buyers who don't have the heart or the pocketbook to handle the situation.
    There is a whole industry that has grown up around bagging these critters off time & time again.   About the third owner or "humane" association starts saying that the dog was "abused" and points fingers at you & me.  The fact is, the abuse is at the hands of folks who have little or no idea what they are doing.  The owner of a dog like this needs to be a stand-up individual and save this dog from a life of multiple amateur owners & Veterinary techniques.
     Like I hold this dog's owner, I respect her responsibility & honesty,  and I respect yours as well.   That's why they make chocalate & vinalla.   Best Regards,  Rob

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for the quick reply.  That's makes alot more sense now that I think about it.  
 Thing is I have a Beagle and she is a Katrina Rescue.  She is no where near the level of aggression as that puppy, but has her moments (hogging the toys) around the other 2 dogs I have (Rottie and Min Pin).  Additionally her nose gets her into more trouble than anything, but we have learned not to leave stuff with in her reach and she is fine except for the occasional incident.  She's very submissive, she licks like no tomorrow, and wee's on the floor at night (this is being corrected with removal of water dish).  It would not suprise me if the "litter" she came from was not of the best quality but when you rescue, you get what you get..  I could never take her back to the shelter for simple reason she would be put down.  She is 5 and we will give her the best life we can.  Quite the mix with our other two.  Oh, we have a baby on the way, best advice on preparing the dogs' for that.  Thanks again.

Hey Brian,   Good for you & your work with the dogs.  We all love them, I guess that's our part of the problem.   I know you won't be careless with the baby around the dogs especially at first.   Dogs can take quite a while to adjust to these kind of things & some folks expect them to understand immediately.   Just make sure all the dogs understand that it is YOU who is the boss & pack leader.
    Thanks again & Congratulations,   Rob