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submision and anxity

18 16:50:32

I just got a three year old mini poodle,female. She is very submissive, timid. She cowers at most advances and often runs the other way after acting very excited to go somewhere. Her former owner said she was that way there as well. The low man of the pack of six smaller dogs. How do I deal with her? I want to boost her confidence. I don't want to make her more fearful or anxious.

There's an inexpensive booklet called "The Cautious Canine" by Patricia McConnell, that has lots of good ideas on dealing with a fearful dog.  Another one is "Help for Your Shy Dog" by Deborah Wood.  For now, let her approach people in her own time, rather than allowing them to approach her, and tell others not to stare at her, or stick their hands out at her.  If she does approach, the person should remain quiet, or just quietly toss her a tiny piece of meat or cheese.