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Aggressive female Yorkie

18 16:58:34

Hi, i had asked this question to another of the all experts and was treated very rude. she didnt ask any follow up questions and asumed what i didnt say in my quesiton. can you please have a look at this and tell me your thoughts on what we can do? it would be gr8ly appreciated.

we have a 3 year old female yorkie that was spayed about 3 months ago. she has always been a bit persnickety..however this last week has been really bad. we have 5 small dogs..including her 2 of which are female. the other female is a mini eskie.. they don't care for each other.. but they leave each other alone. then there is a male neutered yorkie/pom mix, they occasionally get in to it, but not like this. there is also her puppy (11 month old male neutered yorkie) and then the 3 year old male neutered Chihuahua. they have all lived together for almost a year now.. up till this week she has never, ever attacked the Chihuahua. about a week ago they were all in the yard, he got hurt on his paw (neighbor dog thru the fence) he cried and they all piled on him.. especially trixie, the yorkie. ever since then she seems to be obsessed with him. she follows him, licks him and if he does anything at all she doesn't like she attacks him and wont let go. we are now keeping them separated when we are not there to supervise and have been putting her in the kennel str8 away when she attacks him. we have not given her the opportunity to do it again. she seemed to just jump on top of him and start biting. nothing in the way of bleeding.. but she locks on and its quite the feat to get her off. she is 7 pounds and he is 4 and a half pounds.  any suggestions would be gr8ly appreciated.. i cant seem to find any info online about female dogs attacking male dogs...

I'm sorry that you felt other experts were rude.  Instead, they should simply have tried to educate you.  I think some of the reaction you got was because you do seem to have quite a few dogs, despite the fact that your knowledge of dog to dog aggression is somewhat limited.  And, they probably noticed that you allowed one of your females to breed.  That would be looked upon as irresponsible by most dog professionals if your bitch was not titled (or, in the case of some breeds, working), or you didn't do any testing for genetic defects before breeding her.  Without seeing the interaction between the dogs, it's hard for me to tell you which dog is at fault.  It isn't always the one you suspect.  Females that fight usually have more serious fights, and males tend to fight males more ritualistically, although nothing is written in stone.  Often, dogs will "pick on" a member of the pack that is ill, or in the case of your dog, one that sounds like screeching prey.  However, it is good that you aren't allowing her to persist in that behavior until you get it sorted out.  My advice would be to ask a behaviorist to help you so that none of the dogs really get hurt.  You can find one at the animal behavior society web page.  Here are some links where you can find more information:
There is a good book by Patricia McConnell, Ph.D. called "Feeling Outnumbered?"  You can get it at  I hope this answer has been helpful, and I want to encourage you to learn more, and not let anyone's rudeness make you feel that you must be defensive about this.  That would just stand in your way of getting to be a more knowledgeable owner, and lord knows we can use more of those.  Good luck.