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hyper active dog

18 16:51:02

I am dog sitting for some friends that havea few pets including one dog. He is a yellow lab, and is about 7 months so he is still a puppy, but still a big one. I understand that puppies can be hyper but I have never seen such a crazy dog. I try to bring him in the house to hang out, play or just be pet and loved on but he is nuts. I have been scratched, jumped on and practically knocked over and bit in a playful manner but it is still quite painful. I try to calm him down but it doesnt work. I will sit on the couch to watch a movie and he just pounces on me and those sharp nails and teeth are getting the best of me. Is this normal for a puppy? What can I do to calm him?


The Labrador can be a handful! This dog's behavior is not your problem.  He must be demonstrating this same behavior toward his owners and any and ALL visitors.  Anything I suggest to you will be undone by the owner's lack of attention toward this behavior.  The only suggestion I can make is that, when you are with the dog, put a lightweight indoor leash on him.  When he demonstrates any behavior you find unacceptable, use the leash to remove him from the immediate location, walk around the room, return to the location.  Do NOT make eye contact, use his name, squeak and squeal or give ANY obvious reaction to his behavior.  The moment he settles down (the first few times may be quite a challenge but he WILL eventually calm down), praise him and ask him for a trained behavior.  I doubt he's had any training, however, and this is NOT YOUR JOB.  This dog will SOON be OUT OF A HOME.  I suggest you sit down with the owner and discuss this problem behavior.  This dog requires positive reinforcement training; he needs to be neutered; his diet needs to be addressed (not too much protein!) and the manner in which his owner(s) interacts with him needs to be modified.  If the owner(s) is unable or unwilling to work with the dog, resign from your position.