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Older dog frightened of new pup

18 17:10:30

I have a female maltese silky cross "Scrappy" who is very young at heart and still enjoys playing with toys.  She is a very timid dog, frightened of noises and loud people.  She is very quick to bark and very protective of me though.

Yesterday, we brought home a 7 week old Maltese/Shitzu + Poodle cross "Muffin".  The puppy is very active and playful.

Scrappy has timidly approached Muffin several times and sniffed her, and then continued to observe her from a safe distance.

If Muffin makes any move toward Scrappy, Scrappy runs away.
Muffin has twice chased Scrappy around the house, with Scrappy escaping by jumpng up onto the lounge or bed.

On one occasion, when Muffin was playing with a toy (with one of my friends), Scrappy barked once, and Muffin backed away.

Currently, as I sit here typing this on my bed, Muffin is laying on my bed sleeping and Scrappy (who would normally occupy that position) is sitting on the floor at the other side of me.

What can I do to help Scrappy accept Muffin and not be afraid?

Dear Brian,
Thanks for the question.
One method to help Scrappy is to "pair" good things with the presence of Muffin.
For Example: Give Scrappy lots of attention or treats only when Muffin is in the same room. When Muffin is not in the same room, ignore Scrappy.  

Do this in very controlled sessions.  Before Muffin is in the room, tell Scrappy," Here comes Muffin!" Have someone immediately bring Muffin into the same room. The instant Scrappy sees Muffin, give Scrappy a treat and lots of attention. After about 10 seconds of constant attention, your helper should take Muffin out of the room. Ignore Scrappy for 10 seconds and then announce" Here comes Muffin!" Have someone immediately bring Muffin into the same room. The instant Scrappy sees Muffin, give Scrappy a treat and lots and lots of attention. After about 10 seconds of constant attention, your helper should take Muffin out of the room. Ignore Scrappy for 10 seconds....Repeat the sequence  about 10 times.

During these sessions Muffin's only role is to come into the same room, stay for 10 seconds and then leave. Don't coax Scrappy to interact with Muffin. Scrappy's role is to receive a treat and lots of attention during Muffin's 10 second visits.

During these sessions, your job is to announce Muffin's arrival,  watch for Muffin's arrival and deliver a treat the instant Muffin enters.  Give Scrappy lots of attention, toss a ball, massage her, play (or whatever else Scrappy likes)for the entire 10 second duration of Muffin's visit. As soon as Muffin leaves, ignore Scrappy.

After several of these sessions, soon Scrappy will be looking forward to Muffin's presence.

In the meantime, don't let Muffin 'mug' Scrappy or drive her away. Give Scrappy lots of attention any time Muffin is nearby.

Happy Training!