Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > yorkie


18 16:32:30

QUESTION:  lucy is 5years old. when she hears any loud noise.gets frightened and run upstairs to bed.she is a nervous dog          thank you

ANSWER: You haven't mentioned anything except the very basics.

1.  When did this behavior originate, under what circumstances, can you think of a connection to any specific event
2.  How long have you owned Lucy
3.  When was the last time Lucy had a complete veterinary evaluation
4.  How many people live in your home and who interacts with the dog most
5.  What do YOU do when Lucy behaves in this manner

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for your reply.we have had lucy from 7weeks old.she goes to dog clinic every 3 months but lately every 6months.there are 2 of us at home.i tend to play with lucy the most.just after getting lucy the hover spooked her now now she goes upstairs.we just leave her.  thank you

It's quite common for dogs to be afraid of vacuum cleaners.  It appears that your dog has generalized her fear (has begun to attribute its effect to other loud noises).  To attempt a rehabilitation of fear of vacuum cleaners one can offer tiny, high value treats only IN the vicinity of the cleaner (when it is turned OFF) until the dog is clearly not afraid to be near it, then try turning it on BRIEFLY at the same moment you pop a treat in her mouth (to prevent onset of fight/flight and attempt to build a new association with the sound.)  If the dog is able to be rehabilitated in this way, she may also begin to be less fearful of other loud noises. HOWEVER, if you find that any attempt to do this results in heightened fear response, STOP.  Ignoring her running off behavior is fine; you're not rewarding it in any way.  If her fear worsens (despite your attempt at counter conditioning)and she begins to fear multiple sorts of sounds/noises, talk to the veterinarian about a short course of medication and re-post for more sophisticated directions on how to desensitize and counter condition her behavior.